Publication BePRECISE in Nature Magazine

An important publication in the field of precision medicine, to which PRIME-CKD PI Maria Gomez from Lund University contributed, has been published in Nature Medicine. The aim of this publication is to standardize the reporting of research findings in personalized medicine, thereby simplifying the comparison of data across different studies. Currently, there are no specific guidelines for reporting precision medicine research. The BePRECISE consortium (Better Precision-data Reporting of Evidence from Clinical Intervention Studies & Epidemiology) aims to address this gap. A key outcome of this publication is the BePRECISE checklist, which serves as a valuable tool in this process.

“There is a tremendous amount of precision medicine research that is underway, and some great examples where the research is impacting clinical practice. That research shows that precision medicine has the potential to be a practical and economically viable alternative to current practices for disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. The reporting guidelines are timely and needed for efficient translation of precision medicine research into practice”, says Maria F. Gomez, Professor of Physiology at LUDC and part of the guidelines committee.

Click here to read the full article.