Renalytix and Steno Diabetes Center Announce Precision Medicine Collaboration

The PRIME-CKD consortium partner Renalytix and the Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen are pleased to announce a collaboration aimed at advancing precision medicine solutions for patients with Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (DKD). The initial focus of this collaboration will be on developing a roadmap for implementing KidneyIntelX at the Steno Diabetes Center and its affiliated practices.

In 2023, the KidneyIntelX.DKD test was recognized as the first and only FDA-authorized prognostic test for early-stage CKD (stages 1-3b) risk assessment in Type 2 Diabetes patients, enabling early identification of those at risk for progressive kidney function decline.

The outcomes of this collaboration will help establish a framework for integrating precision medicine solutions for chronic kidney disease patients into clinical practice, utilizing novel biomarkers. This aligns with the overarching goal of the PRIME-CKD project.

For more information and quotes from PRIME-CKD PI’s Peter Rossing (Steno) and Fergus Fleming (Renalytix), please read the whole press release.